That One Word (Poem) -
December 19th 2012, 09:53 PM
Posted on another website, but I thought I'd post it here too.
Sorry if some of the rhymes sounded forced. =(
They never say it to me.
The one word I so desperately need.
They say it to others though.
But do they say it to me? No.
I thought I was going to loose all hope.
And I was scared I wasn't going to be able to cope.
I thought I'd be left alone again.
Loosing while the others win.
They make me feel so bad about myself.
Like I'm poor and they are basking in wealth.
But they'll never know I feel this way.
Because they'll never ask, and I'll never say.
I'm not asking them for a lot.
Just one word, and then I'll stop.
But just as I was feeling like I didn't belong,
I opened up my eyes, and you came along.
I was walking with a friend of mine
When you so happened to pass by.
I thought you'd just pass and leave.
But you had a trick up your sleeve.
You stopped in your tracks unlike the other guys.
And you opened your mouth and you said.....
__________________________________________________ __________________________________
In one of my classes, I feel left out. Like no one will talk to me. All I want is for people to realize I'm in the class too. I'm not asking them to be my friend. All I want is a simple "hi" once in a while. Is that too much to ask? To take a second out of your day to say hi to me. Maybe not everyday, but on occasion. Like if you didn't expect to see my somewhere, say hi. One person in the class does this. And whenever he says hi, it makes me feel wanted and like I belong and like I'm not so invisible after all. It's funny how one word with two letters can really change a persons outlook on life.
(BTW, I do not have any sort of crush on the guy. He is a nice kid, but I don't like him in that way.)
