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Algernon Offline
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Outside, huh?
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Name: Holly
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March 30th 2009, 02:14 AM

Originally Posted by ThereIsHope View Post
So, a lot of times, when religion is mentioned, especially on TeenHelp, there are people that demand proof at every single debate. And that's not a bad thing, but if I'm arguing for Christianity and you're arguing that there is no god, now it's your turn to prove it. No, I can't prove with scientific facts that God is, indeed, real, but neither can you prove that he's not real.

I've heard that Christians are delusional. I've heard it said that Christians are crazy or insane for praying because it's just them "talking to no one". I've heard brainwashing. Speaking in tongues being of demons. All kinds of things.

Proof? Prove that there is no god. Prove that faith isn't the answer. Prove that you're right and every Christian in the world and I are wrong.

Amen. Preach it sister!

Originally Posted by ThereIsHope View Post
Hmm... That does make a lot of sense.

And yes, I know that it can't really be proven either way, which is why this thread was made. Because I can't prove anything, but neither can anyone else in the world.

Did you notice that most of people replying sound like they have no emotions whatesoever? Some sound true and honest, but some sound like this.

If God really exists then the facts would be upfront and science would be able to prove them because science makes the world go round. If I put Jesus as test subject b and God as test subject J then I added some NaCl2 then the facts don't line up in the correct order as science states in area code 836-2x4(bxt) negative-alpha. If you were correct Mary should have appeared on a bicycle with Gabriel running after her. So since this didn't happen when I tested the hypothesis, I got a grotesque head, which you would tell me is John the baptist, but I don't believe that.

Geek? Nerd? More like intellectual badass.

"You ran through Africa, and Asia, and Indonesia.. And now I've found you, and I love you. I want to know your name."

Last edited by Jack; March 30th 2009 at 03:48 AM. Reason: Merged posts