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Re: What proof do you want? And in turn, what proof do you have? - March 30th 2009, 01:28 AM

Originally Posted by Katieeee View Post
First off, i'm agnostic.
Secondly, i'm curious, can you guys give scientific facts beside "It's not plausible" or "It's like saying there's a giant talking lawn gnome in my bedroom that can fly and grant magical wishes". Please, if possible, someone state scientific evidence that God doesn't exist. Only facts. No speculation and no assumptions.
Well obviously that's impossible to do. To outright give scientific evidence that God doesn't exist is at this point ludicrous and will be for a long time yet.

If you think about it, "gods work" has been disproved plenty of times. In the past God has been credited with everything from the sun rising to conception. However we now know that God has nothing to do with these things and science has filled in the gap in our knowledge of these things that God used to fill. It seems infinitly plausible that science will continue to do this, of course the more we understand about the universe the more questions are raised and this is where people place God, into any areas of uncertainty. The concept of God constantly changes and adapts to new scientific breakthroughs making it more difficult to disprove it, for example if you disprove a passage in the bible a plenthora of experts will come forward and say: "Ha! That passage was a metaphor and not meant to be taken literally" or they reinterpret it in relation to the modern breakthrough and the nature of God will change again.

Secondly there is evidence from which you can imply that God does not exist. For example, the link that Gram posted. That rather shows that either God does not exist or he does not respond to prayer does it not?

The fact is that nobody needs to disprove God. People need to prove it. The default position in this debate should be disbelief.

Last edited by Jack; March 30th 2009 at 01:45 AM.