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Re: On a break with my girlfriend - December 10th 2012, 02:01 AM

I love it when people say, "this guy/girl is a jerk, but I'm not ready for 'us' yet." Essentially, it means your ex-girlfriend knows NEITHER of you are right for her - and she doesn't want to admit it. She wants to look like she's got her act together, she knows exactly what she's doing and what she wants, etc. Personally, I'd move on. Even if she DID get back together with you, it would only be a matter of time before she moved on and found someone else. I'm sorry to be so harsh, but I was in a very similar situation two years ago. The whole "break" thing doesn't work in these cases. When someone knows they're dating a jerk, but they don't 1) end it, or 2) get back together with you, it's a sign that they haven't found an adequate third option yet. They're stuck in limbo until that third option presents itself... which usually means being single for a while, getting their head screwed on straight, and THEN finding the right person (which, sadly, is rarely the ex-boyfriend/girlfriend, aka you).

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