Could I be pregnant? PLEASE HELP!? -
November 23rd 2012, 09:37 PM
Hi, I had sex July 13th. Since then I have had 5 "periods". The first one was super heavy! The second one was normal. Then the past three have been super light! I am due for another period tomorrow. My first two periods i had red red red blood. The past three have only been brown blood with a little bit of red. Mostly discharge like. I have taken 5 hpts through out this experience all negative. My symptoms are enlarged belly, I have gained 2 pounds, slight nausea, enlarged breast, and back pain. I have been working out more and have been lifting weights. Do you think I'm pregnant or is it all in my head? Can I make myself think I am pregnant thus making my periods light? Should I go to planned parenthood next week?