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Camisado Offline
I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
Not a n00b
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Name: Charlie
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Location: England

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Join Date: April 14th 2012

Question Anxiety is making me lonely - November 10th 2012, 07:39 PM

I really need help I just can't talk to people anymore I get tense and literally cant think of anything to say and I put pressure on myself to think of something and get nervous and panicky and my voice goes weird, I just hate it and im really lonely because out of college ive got noone to see and in college im sat with a group of people and I only really know one of them from primary but I havent seen her for years so we've got nothing in common anymore, I just need a way to become less tense and be able to think of things to say because noone knows my personality and I hate the way I act now and im sick of being so alone it was supposed to change when I went to college . Sorry this is all one long sentence that may not make sense youl get the idea though I hope

If there's no one beside you
When your soul embarks
Then I'll follow you into the dark