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Name: David
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - November 6th 2012, 12:41 AM

Originally Posted by Hope To Cope View Post

OKay, my question, for the males out there. If the girl is really nice, not overweight but has some fat, bigger breasts than average but is extremely damaged and hurt so they don't know how to get close to you, would you date her? Even if she never really opens up to you?
Well, the weight isn't something I'd completely ignore, that's obvious, but I wouldn't "not look" at someone just because of a few pounds. That being said, the person would have to at least try to get my attention in case I didn't feel that spark in the first place. But if I liked the girl, I would date her regardless of she being a bit fat. The problem here would be not opening up. I would see that as a trust issue, and if I like to have even my close friends telling me all that bothers them, so that I can try and help them, and if I like to tell the people who are close to me what bothers me, I don't think I could date someone who'd never really open up to me. If she changed after we were in the relationship, then there would be no problems for me in that.

I don't think I really have anything to ask, hopefully on a near future

I have trichotillomania and slight traces of OCD. I think of myself as friendly, and I'll gladly answer any PM's .

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