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PsyGwendok Offline
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Name: David
Age: 29
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - November 4th 2012, 04:15 AM

R, I wish you weren't a lesbian. If only you were at least a bi, I would take all the risks in the world to be with you, and forget about everything else. Because despite telling myself I don't want to be together with you everyday because you'll never want the same, I can't bring myself to believing in what I'm saying. And regardless of how many girlfriends I have, or you have, I'll always see you as the one who got away, because I had no way to keep you. So please just tell me you're actually somewhat bi, and give me a 1% chance of so much as kissing you. Because I'm sure that will be more then enough.

I have trichotillomania and slight traces of OCD. I think of myself as friendly, and I'll gladly answer any PM's .

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