Thread: Triggering (SH): Cutting and anorexia
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Re: Cutting and anorexia - November 4th 2012, 12:37 AM

You aren't alone. I have an eating disorder, too. Everyone can tell me I'm skinny, but all I see is a fat pig. The number has to go down in my mind. As for the self harm, I cut (main form-since I was ten) burn, bruise, break/sprain bones, and starve.

I understand about your friends not being able to help you. At least they're trying. In all actuality, there's really nothing anyone can say to make it all better, you know?

I don't hate my parents, but they do trigger me often. I got in an arguement with my mom two days ago, then I tried to kill myself. I think the problem with parents is that they don't want to believe that their child is going through this hell. They don't know how to react, and most of the time they react in anger.

I think you should try not to weigh yourself as much if that's a trigger. I totally understand the need to weigh yourself, though. Try to weigh yourself once a week (In the morning before you eat and after you use the bathroom for the most accuracy)

For your cutting, try to slowly wean yourself away from it. Instead of every day, try every other day and so on. Try to cut where it isn't visible, like your stomach or upper thighs. I'm not going to tell you not to cut because I'd be a hyporcrite, but keep your cuts clean so they don't get infected.

Message me if you ever need to talk.

If clarity's in death, then why won't this die?
Years of tearing down our banners, you and I
Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts
Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first

The axe forgets, but the tree remembers