Hey there,
I looked at all your post, and all of them have plenty of replies besides a couple. "How to help" and "share artwork" Remember, not everyone knows How to help really, we're not doctors; we're common people. People also don't know what to post, sometimes i'm confused and afraid that my post would cause the Person more stress then help.
Also, no one added me as a friend, until I started interacting into the Community and made friends. I go on chat just to chat with a couple of people, if they're not on, i'm not very active in chat. It takes time, but if you put in, you'll get stuff out of it. There is nothing strange about it, remember this is a forum from people all over the world, not everyone is on at the same time. Plus some have jobs and families to tend to. I remember as a Teen spending 10+ hours on a computer, now i"m lucky to get 10 a week.
I hope you enjoy your stay better then it has been

It will be better, try the chat its a really great feature