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  (#239 (permalink)) Old
mint-eh Offline
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Name: Jackie
Age: 33
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! - October 14th 2012, 12:57 PM

The Shih-tzu is my late Riley.
I can't talk about him without crying.
We lost him to old age last January. He was 12.
He helped me through more moments than anyone.
I had him for almost the whole 12 years of his life.
I will never forget him and am always grateful for him finding his way into my life.

The other dog is my new dog Loki. He's a Chihuahua x Sheltie
I couldn't handle being alone and despite my parents saying no I got Loki.
I could not not get him. He has become my everything.
He follows me everywhere and I take him almost everywhere with me.
He's my baby boy. <3 He's one and a half years old. Born Feb 1st. (:
Attached Thumbnails
forums/f119-pets/att2080-41208_433727659029_4453621_n-jpg   forums/f119-pets/att2081-156533_10150929858664030_943989625_n-jpg  

"Into the night
I hear your sorrows
I want it to be alright [to be alright]
Our worlds are changing
The stars are gone
This can't be a lover's goodbye..."

"...Take me home
Where all the sorrows melt away
Our bodies entwined
A lover's menagerie
Let the world pass us on by..."

"...You're all I know
This can't be good bye
It's too late to lose you tonight
But this is no happy ending..."
