Re: Complaint of the day -
October 12th 2012, 12:08 PM
I wish for all this to end! At youth tonight I kept looking around, I knew I was loved, but I felt like I was hated. I just wish I could tell them lies but at youth that is the only place I'm honest. It's where I just want to cry but the tears burn but don't leave their sanctuaries.
It hurts so much to see my best friend, to see how easy everyone else's lives are and how great they seem but they can't tell I'm hurting, hell, they didn't even noticed I cut my hair. How would they notice my pain?
Buddy since 18/11/12 LiveHelp Operator since 22/12/12 Add me on Facebook Jay Louise Shorrock!
A whisper in the dark; is better than silence in the light. -Courtesy of your's truly. 
My blog is open to all, those whom are easily triggered avoid, it's a story about a girl and her life and how far she has come over the years. If you read it, I hope it inspires you to keep fighting and to NEVER give up!
When you can no longer think of a reason to continue, you must think of a reason to start over.