Looking for honest feedback on this poem -
October 11th 2012, 09:06 AM
To A One Time Love
Dear beloved; it was not to be;
Even if you had loved me;
Even though you, dear one, I loved.
Listen, for I am bereaved.
It will not take long; listen to this;
A salute to loss, not victory.
Me; I despise the love now mauled;
Ex-loved, you I once adored.
Ring no bells; it is gone
Into the abyss; love foregone.
Even there; my love is lost.
Look not; no awaiting reward.
Ruined is my once great passion for you,
And it is soon lost; sad, but true.
Naught; save for a few lines written.
And for them? Oblivion
Shall their new home be;
Inside none will give my words their due;
No worth, as valuable as a false grin.
Gone; no regret; no sin.
Home? No, simply the broken,
Empty halls of oblivion.