Thread: Work or college
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Ceinwyn Offline
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Name: Isobel
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Re: Work or college - October 9th 2012, 03:51 PM


May I ask what it was about college that was making you miserable? Was it a lack of friends? Was it your classes? Your professors? The campus itself?

A mix of all, I was forced to do some subjects that I didn't want to study, along side some that I did want to, as a result I was constatly bounced between a great subject that I enjoyed studying, and awful classes that just depressed me. Most of my friends were in different classes, I saw them during breaks but was alone in lessons (although I did start talking to people towards the end of the year). The teachers we're fine, well, non of them were mean or what-not. In the last year we had a new head teacher who introduced a lot of new rules, most of which stifled student expression, (if you dyed your hair bright colours, you were given detention til you dyed it back. that kinda thing). As a result the bad parts slowly took over the good until I was spending whole weeks depressed and just not caring.

How did you make the decision to attend college at the end of your senior year in high school? Did you do it because you felt obligated to do it or because you wanted to? Did you take the time to carefully research schools and choose according to what you felt was the best fit for you, or did you make the decision on a whim or based on where your friends were going? Were you ready to go to college, or would you have benefited from some time off?

I continued into college 'cause I had always been brought up under the idea of 'go to school, go to uni, get a degree, get a good job' as a result I didn't think about alternatives (like jobs that didn't reguire a degree) and figured it would be fine, both my siblings did well at college. I decided to forget that they are both far smarter than me :P the college I went to was the same as both my siblings and all my friends, it was also one of the few in leicester that teaches sociology (which is my main subject). No I don't think I was ready.


What are your interests as far as jobs go?

At the moment, I just want something the pays, beyond that, I have no idea, I've never seen anything that has suck out as something that I WANT to do, it's always been something I'd be WILLING to do.

What sort of levels of qualifications do you have?

I have 3 AS levels, which to be fair, aren't worth the paper they're printed on :P

What were you studying at college, and what did you hope to use the qualification(s) for?

I was studying History, Sociology and poltics. (as well as maths but that wasn't my choice). like I said, it was all about getting a degree, like I was told I should get. the degrees I was looking at were in sociology and gender studies.

What sort of environment would you PREFER to work in?

something quiet, I have terrible self confidence issuses and lots of people/things happening makes my uncomfortable.

Are there any jobs you WOULDN'T do?


thanks for the help guys, sorry to give you an essay in return.

Women are women, regardless of sex,
and men are men, in the same respects.

You can be both, or a mix of the two,
or you can be neither, if that's what suits you.

But people are people, whatever their parts,
because what really matters, is inside of our hearts.

*Some poem I found on the internet*