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Re: How are you beating Self Harm? - October 8th 2012, 06:19 PM

Primarily three things:

1) Truly knowing and accepting that I cannot SH anymore. I recognize the effects my SH has on my life and my relationships. I can and choose to no longer jeopardize my stability, my well-being, my happiness, my relationships and my physical life.

2) Practicing self-kindness and compassion. I know I am a worthwhile human being who deserves to be loved and cherished, and I treat myself as such. The more I show myself compassion, the easier it is to remember I deserve happiness instead of pain and grief.

3) Working through my emotions. Self-harm was how I distracted myself from focusing on my feelings. Now if I am angry, or upset, or sad, or anxious I sit with the feeling and work myself through it in healthy and constructive ways, like going for a run, watching or reading funny things, cleaning or talking to a trusted friend or family member.
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