This is a poem dedicated to my beloved Grandmother Ruby.

Past away in... Either 2008 or 2010 i forget.

A beautiful lady,
Widowed and half blind.
A beautiful lady,
Cancer ridden, yet with a strong mind.
You’re manners were natural,
You always smiled.
You were so sweet,
To every adult and child.
You made it through,
Past your 80th year.
You used your life well,
For that I give you a cheer.
You knitted me slippers, scarfs and gloves,
I wear them at when it’s cold
They are precious,
More-so than gold.
I was blessed, with your facial structure;
For that I’m so proud,
For you were beautiful…
More than the most perfect cloud.
You seemed to be like Mary Poppins…
Practically perfect in every way.
Oh how I just wish,
You were here to stay.
Your house filled me with joy,
The humble sights and smells.
Grandma you are the one
Who never inflicts fear and yells.
You were an amazing cook,
Anyone would agree.
You kept your house nice and suitable,
As anyone could see.
You were understanding, funny and happy,
If you saw me now you’d be even more proud.
Because over the years I’ve gone from quiet and shy,
To outgoing and loud.
There's thousands of things I can say,
But I’ll end it here.
Just remember, you’ll have a place in my heart.
For every single year!
Miss you Grandma!! And I always will