Thread: Female Advice Preferred: My girlfriend is 18 and she's a virgin
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Re: My girlfriend is 18 and she's a virgin - September 16th 2012, 08:44 PM

Because it's her virginity, this needs to be done in her own time. You can't push someone to want to lose their virginity, or rush them into doing it, and you certainly shouldn't put a date on it. Honestly if her having sex with you is more important than honoring her comfort and boundaries, you may want to rethink your priorities in the relationship.

I would say this is the time to sit back and let her take the reigns. You have made it obvious that you want to have sex with her; I can assure you she gets the message. The more you pressure her, or push the issue or ask her about it, the more anxious she is going to feel about it. So let her do what she is comfortable with. She will push for more when she wants it; you will know when she does.

If and when the time is right for her, be sure that you have proper protection in place. It can be very tempting to let hormones take over and push reason out of the way, but it's important to be safe from STDs or getting your girlfriend pregnant; it CAN happen on the first time.
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