Originally Posted by Age of Ignorance
Guys, calm down. You don't have to say that what he has said is offensive; honestly, it's not offensive. He just wants to know how he can speed the process up. He doesn't want to wait; he's ready now. That doesn't mean you should all be ridiculously offensive to him.
That being said, you can't force someone to be ready. They will be ready when they're ready. Just take it how it comes, mate. It might happen before next year. Just be patient.
Yes, it is offensive. It is offensive for a 16 year old boy to be so disrespectful as to act like he is entitled to a young woman and her virginity. Wanting sex rightthissecond is no excuse.
Original poster, the first three responders have offered you wise advice and I hope you consider it, for the sake of this girl you are seeing. Their answers pretty much cover what I was going to say to you, all I have to reiterate is, if you really do care about her, you will fully respect her decision to wait to have sex, whether it be with you or with someone else.