Re: 19, was 13 and rape still not over it -
September 9th 2012, 04:42 AM
Willow, I know this probably isn't what you want to here, but just pushing these problems away isn't going to work, because as you know for a fact now, they can be brought back up, and that doesn't solve the problem. That just pushes it away for it to get worse later on when it comes back up. Perhaps you should talk to a professional who can help you cope with what happened, then you get that feeling of being over it and having it gone, without the issues that may arise if you just push it back. They teach you how to cope, especially on days when it may get very hard or when you remember, if you don't talk to someone and just push it back, what happens if it comes back up again? You can't just keep pretending it didn't happen, as much as you may want to, I know. That's what I did with multiple incidents, and the sooner you talk about it and get the help, the easier it is to get past it. It'll never fully go away, and it sucks, I know, but this way you know how to deal with the memories should they come back, and how to keep them from coming back or upsetting you like this.
Resident old person, back from much needed, multiple year hiatus.
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