Originally Posted by JKmadu619
Guile: True, but your average run-of-the-mill Joe isn't going to rape someone just because he hasn't got any in a few months.
I'd speculate it's attributed to two things:
1. Yes, dominance. This would explain the cases where offenders went on to other violent crimes upon castration.
2. Lack of control caused by a variety of things from mental disorder to simply being less evolved.
Anyhow, very interesting topic.
- Justin
1. I think it has more to do with "Well I've raped so what, will I be a bad guy now?".
The rape is almost entirely about sex, they want it, and due to poor impulse control, they just take it. Yes, some are about dominance, but I think those ones are more into the mental area, because they're trying to fill an emotional and mental void.
2. No argument here.