Thread: Triggering: Being bullied
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razors_and_rosary Offline
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Re: Being bullied - September 6th 2012, 10:10 PM

Hello there, Abi I'm glad you're holding up.

The thing to remember about rumours is that people take them with a pinch of salt. Anybody who believes what one person said, without considering if it's the truth, isn't really the kind of person you'd want as a friend. Somebody who deserves your friendship will put the effort in to find out what you're really like.

By the sounds of things, you are a nice person, and make sure you keep believing that. People will eventually realise that despite what this girl says, you're not actually mean and annoying. If you can muster the inner resolve, try my approach to bullying: smile and shrug. Make out that you don't really mind what they say about you. Show that you have confidence in yourself. Stay calm and walk by. People can't hate you for that.

If it starts getting to you, seek out someone you like, or a place to be by yourself. Then you can work through being upset where this girl can't see you. That way she'll think she's not getting anywhere. The other option, if you're willing to risk it, is getting really super duper upset very publicly to make people think twice about their behaviour. It all depends on how you want to play it.

I would expect, no matter what you believe about yourself (though I'm sure you're mistaken), that she is jealous of your friends. Trying to draw people towards her by driving them away from you. Fortunately, if your friends are worth anything, they won't give a damn about what she's saying. Remember that this is just one girl, and you have lots of far better people around you to support you.

My final piece of advice is to wait a little while. Even if this girl rides on in her grudge against you, other people will get sick of her. Rumours will die, especially as they are unfounded. You'll come out the other side looking pretty untouchable.

All the best,
r&r x

Ps: your signature is beautiful. I love it.

Have a free hug.

Why be stingy? Take another.

It's gonna be okay.