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50ShadesOfBlack Offline
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Name: Fox
Age: 32
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Location: Orlando, FL

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Re: my mom laughed when my doctor said I may suffer from anxiety - September 5th 2012, 12:12 PM

Good god, that's insane. Your parents need to realize that your thoughts and feelings are valid, and phase or not, still need to be addressed and taken care of.
My advice is be constantly in your parents face, but but respectful about it.
There is a story about a woman who needed something from a judge. But he said no, so she went back. Everyday asking again and again. Until finally he got so worn down he took care of her problems(which were fair, he just didn't want to deal with it).
Maybe you can do something similar. It can be dramatic(physically refuse to go to school, stop doing homework, etc), or more personal(sit down and talk with them often. You understand their fears and concerns, but you're not capable of going to that school any longer. Possibly come to them with alternative solutions).
You have the power to change your life right now, but you are still dependant on them and they know it, and deserve respect for it. But they still don't have the right to treat you as less-than.

Stuff about me:
1. Sometimes I forget I'm not an expert
2. I ignore "guy/girl preferred." Use whatever pronoun you feel like with me. Don't feel obligated to stick to one.
3. I have few bounderies, sorry if I cross lines. Wasn't intentional.
Ask me anything. I love to share/talk about stuff.