Sorry for being MIA for like... two days... lol it feels like longer
im now moved into college... woo?
i dont know what to think. Ive had so many self harm urges in the last two days, i feel crazy
I don't quite know what to think of my roomies either... One of them, a friend of mine, glances frequently at my wrist when i do not have my wrist thing on... its kind of... weird. But yeah anyways! lol
One of the girls seems very needy. Her boyfriend is next door, and she always has him over, or is over there, or is talking about him

She also seems a bit bitchy... She doesn't really talk to anyone, except one of her friends who is in our dorm..
Two of the girls seem really nice. Smiley, they will say hi and greet you and all. They will chit chat with you about stuff.
One of them... seems shy. She is a little bit of a follower more than a leader.
And my friend is... well shes my friend. A bit annoying but tolerable lol
I feel left out of stuff they do though, three of them posted webcam pictures on facebook labelled "Collegeeee!!!" and the other three were left out and not asked to join or anything... its like... are we not part of your college experience as well? i know they more than likely do not mean it that way lol
I've also been really... "momsick"... im missing my mom so much more right now... I just wish she could physically be here for this. A load of times ive found myself thinking "I should tell mom that!" and then im like... oh... right... i cant...
regarding classes... this is my currently schedule...
1st rotation- (sept 12-october 5)
monday-11-2, 2-5.
tuesday- 11-2, 2-5,.
wednesday- 8-2, 2-6,
thursday- 2-9.
fri- off.
Second rotation (oct 10-nov.9)
monday- 11-2, 5-8.
tuesday- 11-2, 5-8,
wednesday- 11-2,
thursday- 8-2,
friday- 2-9.
THIRD rotation (nov 14-dec 14)
tues-8-11, 11-2,
wed-10-2, 2-9.
friday- 8-2.
some of those are just redonc! like... 8-6!?? wtf!!!
also regarding classes... Im worried about my cooking classes. there is a 99.9% likelihood that i WILL NOT be able to wear my fabric wrist sleeve thing.... I do NOT like that AT ALL. I don't want to have my wrist showing!!!!! I don't know what to do... I don't want to be all "Chef, can i wear this cuz ______________" y'know?
My friend said to just suck it up, and not wear it, and if anyone asks to just be like "I went through a hard time awhile ago and did not make the smartest choices"
so yeah. theres my fun college rant. Oh i'll add a picture of myself in my room lol cuz i can