Re: How to get past being raped? -
September 4th 2012, 07:32 AM
Let me tell you first that you CAN overcome being raped. It's not something that you can right afterwards; and getting over it might even take months, or years. You yourself have to decide if you want to put it past you, or if you want to dwell on the past.
As a young gal, and well into my life I was sexually abused by various men, even my own family. It has been a year or two since the last incident. I felt disgusting, vile, that I was worse than the trash we would take to the dump. Although I am not proud of it, but I have tried to commit suicide. I felt that there was no hope for me. A friend of mine told me that if I wanted to look past it. The first thing that I would have to do was to forgive the men that abused me, only then could I begin to forgive myself, and quit feeling the way I did. One thing to do is to talk to people about it, to tell someone about it, not just your family members; but friends, even total strangers. This was the hardest thing for me to do, I was so embarrassed, and I didn't want people to think ill of me. Eventually, you will move on.
DON'T let this experience control you. You have to power to control your life, and what influences it.