Thread: Triggering (Abuse): Legitimate Rape - Akin and Galloway
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Re: Legitimate Rape - Akin and Galloway - August 23rd 2012, 11:01 AM

Their comments would have been amusing if they weren't so ignorant, arrogant and sad. These are the people trying to make our health care decisions, folks. People with no concept of how simple human reproduction works, or how to treat the topic of rape and sexual assault. Essentially it was insinuated that it's the woman's fault if she gets pregnant, and she wouldn't if it were "legitimate rape" or "rape or incest."

From the political aspect, I'd say we're in a very sad state when political leaders, or those who want to be political leaders, make statements like these. I've always said if I wanted the government involved in my sexuality I'd sleep with a senator.
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