Thread: Female Advice Preferred: Pregnant or stressed?
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Pregnant or stressed? - August 22nd 2012, 03:31 AM

Hi, I'm 18 years old and about to start college. I'm going to the other end of the country and have been stressing out a lot about it lately- Financial aid, courses, dealing with debt and being so far away from my family, etc.

On the other hand, I just spent the past month with my boyfriend (this living arrangement ended two weeks ago when I had to go off to school) and we were having frequent sex. We used condoms with spermicide (Trojan Armor), did NOT pull out, but I was really good about taking my birth control on time nightly.

I got my "period" last week, but it was EXTREMELY light. My period is normally fairly heavy and mostly blood. I've been on my birth control for 2 years now, so it's nothing from starting up a new prescription. The blood was coming out brown this time and it was more tissue than blood. It only lasted for two days, which is extremely short for me, but it came when it was supposed to, according to my birth control pills. I've read about implantation bleeding, so I'm a tad worried.

My discharge has increased significantly, as well. It's pretty heavy lately. Instead of being clear, it's whiter and stickier than usual, but doesn't smell and isn't clumpy. (Something that would make me worry about an infection.)

As well, I've been breaking out on my face lately. I've never broken out a day in my life, and here I am, waking up every morning with twelve or so zits on the T-Zone on my face.

I've also contracted this awful cold, that I've been suffering from for the past week and a half. I've read that pregnancy can also cause this.

Finally, my stomach has been looking a lot more bloated than usual. It's pretty much my belly to my crotch the sticks out a lot more than it ever has, because I'm naturally thin. I've not been getting bigger anywhere else, and it hardly deflates. I wear a B-cup bra size and my belly, which never sticks out, is sticking out as far as my breasts.

I don't have access to a pregnancy test right now, but I'm worried that I may be pregnant. I'm not showing any other symptoms (No tender breasts, no abnormal cramping, no nausea), so it may just be stressed, but my super light period really freaked me out. I'm really regular. I'm looking for some opinions.