Thread: Female Advice Preferred: period cramps
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Samwise Offline
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Re: period cramps - August 13th 2012, 01:18 PM

Everyone has said everything already so I'm just gonna ad my bit.

My cramps used to be so bad I'd be missing school and throwing up.
I went to the doc and he put me on the pill. I'm only 16 so my Mam went with me. It works really good! The cramps are still bad but not anywhere near as bad as they used to be.


Some Riot - Elbow

A friend of mine grows his very own brambles
They twist all around him 'til he can't move
Beautiful, quivering, chivalrous shambles
What is my friend trying to prove?

...I think when he's drinking he's drowning some riot
What is my friend trying to hide?

...And it's breaking my heart to pour like the rain
Brother of mine, don't run with those fuckers
When will my friend start singing again?
When will my friend start singing again?