Late period, help? -
August 2nd 2012, 11:20 PM
Okay so My boyfriend I always use protection during sex but right before sex we lay naked together well making out and we think he might have gotten pre-cum near my pelvis area. Whats the chances of that leading to pregnancy?
Im having all the nice symptoms before a period (sore breasts, slight cramps, discharge, and major bloating) but my period is about 5 days late. Also Iv been constantly hungry like every other hour, don't know if that's just because im a teen or what xD
I have been under some stress lately, Fighting with the boyfriend alot lately and some family drama. I know stress can be a major factor in a late period and im starting to believe it is my stress but i wanna know other peoples opinions.
and can Someone list ways to calm stress down? im not the best at getting my mind off of things.
Im sorry there is so much written. Just very curious.
Please help (: -thank you.