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Name: Shaz
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Join Date: January 5th 2009
Re: The Compliment Thread! -
March 25th 2009, 01:18 AM
Vincent- We haven't spoke in ages (literally!) and well, we'll have to try and speak soon. I hope you've been doing well. You're such a kind person and you can always tell that from your posts and from your comments on blogs. I definitely think that's a great quality to have. I also love your avatar - Boo Ghost! Brings back memories from my 'gaming days'. 
bexidecimal- I love your avatar, first of all! It takes me so long to find an avatar that I actually like. I normally end up changing a couple of times and then I still find myself not really liking it. xD Anyway, your's is cool. You're also very pretty and don't let anyone tell you any different! We'll have to talk sometime, you seem really nice.
Care-o-bear- Your signature makes me smile. Finding yourself and who you really are, can take time but I'm glad that you've managed to find yourself and who you are. That can only be a good thing, right?! Also cool picture! The effects on it are pretty awesome, if you ask me. I've seen you around the forums a lot posting away. Not that that's a bad thing. I don't know you that well, but I might have to change that soon!
Marie.- Your loved by many people here. Your really kind, awesome and such a strong person. Don't let anyone tell you any differently. I'll VM you soon to catch us as we haven't spoke in ages! 
x-nicola- Lookin' good in the lime green! Heh, it was only a matter of time before you would be added to staff. Your posts in A&D are very caring. I think your awesome. 
xxEllexx- Elle, I truly admire your strength and determination to keep going after everything your going through. It's pretty inspirational. Your definitely a fighter and you're so strong, like woah! I like reading your posts around the forum and I think you give great advice. I'll VM/PM you soon to talk, because I haven't spoke to you in a while.
Stephanie- Forum mod buddy. I definitely think you're a great mod and LHO, I remember talking to you when it was your first day as a LHO. I like reading the advice in your posts, it's clear to see that you honestly do care about people because you can tell that from your posts.
Jessie- I personally think you're awesome. I definitely think you've put a lot of hard work into TeenHelp. With Avatar, moderating, LH, etc. It's clear that you do put a lot of time into helping other people. I love your signature with that (elephant?) on the trampoline. :P Never gets boring watching it. xD I'll drop you a PM/VM sometime to talk, because I don't think we've ever talked properly before.
Katrina- I think you're awesome. I definitely think your a credit to TH with all the time/work you put into TH. Congrats again on the avatar position! It's going to be good to see the next issue of Avatar with all the new editors and such. Your very pretty and have a personality to match. Keep rockin'. Also, can't wait for my letter. Eee. 
newbie552- I see you around the forums a lot and I definitely think you're a kind person. You have awesome choice in quotes! I love the quotes in your signature because they're pretty inspirational. Keep being you. 
Briana- Your such a kind and awesome person. I know we haven't spoken in ages, but we really need to soon. I miss talking to you. Good choice in avatars you have. Taylor Swift is awesome.
i_am_me_again- It's pretty clear that you put a lot of time into TeenHelp with high post count like that. It's going to take me forever to get back up to 1,000. Nooo. Anyway, I love your signature, it's really pretty. I think your a really caring person, which is nice to see.
carrotgirl- Really quirky username, you have there. 'Tis cool. I love your signature. The moving thing in your signature reminds me of an awesome smiley we used to have here at TeenHelp before the reset. xD You seem really caring and you're also very pretty.
BrittneyNicole- We haven't spoken properly before, but hopefully we will sometime. I love reading your posts around the forum, I definitely think you put a lot of time and effort into TH. Your avatar is really pretty as well. It took me a while to figure out what it was saying, but I got there in the end. Lol. xD I see you around a lot and you're awesome. Just sayin'.
I like the fact I have some things to look forward too and focus on.
Last edited by Perplexity; March 25th 2009 at 01:28 AM.