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Bubblegirl56 Offline
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Name: DaynaRhian
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Question Not really sure what is wrong with me - Eating disorder or just super fussy? - July 26th 2012, 05:12 AM

Heey There.

So, I'm not really sure if I have an eating disorder but I'm sure I have an eating issue/problem. Ever since I started getting bullied I had comments about my body and how I looked, and I really took offence to it, only because I had my own little insecurities before it all started. If I was already happy with myself and then they said it I don't think I would have listened to them at all, but I figured, well I think I'm fat and I hate me, but now they are agreeing with me, so it musn't be in my head, I really must be fat and ugly!

I starved myself for a long time, I even had fainting spells for months because of it. I would starve myself and make myself do ridiculous exercise. But the thing is, I would starve myself and then eat after about 3 days, but when I would eat I owuld eat a lot, not little bits. Becase I'd starved myself and I was really hungry I would eat a lot and then be full and not want to eat again for about a week, so that is what I would do, starve myself and then eat a big load and then starve myself again, gradually making each period of time get longer.

Anyone help? not sure if it's an eating disorder or not, but oh well. Advice and opinions welcomed and encouraged.

~Much Love,
Ellie. X

Last edited by Bubblegirl56; July 26th 2012 at 05:12 AM. Reason: Forgot the tags!!!