Thread: Female Advice Preferred: Swimming whilst on period?
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Re: Swimming whilst on period? - July 25th 2012, 05:58 AM

Originally Posted by Arcenciel View Post
Hey there.

Fun fact that you might not have known about. When you submerge your lower body in water, the water will actually hold the blood in. You won't bleed in the water or anything like that. The same thing applies for bathing while on your period. If you have a bath, the water doesn't turn red or anything because of bleeding. You don't actually NEED to wear a tampon to swim.
That being said, many women choose to wear a tampon while swimming because it makes them feel more comfortable and may feel a bit more sanitary for them. Also, if you're going to be getting OUT of the water,you'll need to have some protection.

You should be fine. Just remember that if you decide to wear a tampon, tuck the string in somewhere so that it doesn't hang down through your bathing suit Awkward...

Good luck!
actually, thats not true. I found out the hard way, by getting my period in the water gross! There's nothing to worry about with tampons though