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Name: Eyeliner Failure
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Re: Feeling lonely again -
July 22nd 2012, 02:57 PM
Hai Hollie
You aren't wasting anyone's time beautiful. Don't ever think that. You're here for others, and you deserve to feel like there's people there for you- because there is. I know how daunting and how scary it can be sending the first PM to someone, or making a thread asking for help. It's so much easier to curl up and shut everyone away, but that doesn't help, and that's a lesson I learned the hard way.
I know the feeling of feeling alone but feeling like you can't reach out. Used the word feeling 3 times in that sentence for a reason- you aren't actually alone. Your head, and destructive thoughts, and whatever you're fighting wants to keep you alone, because that means your miserable. By reaching out, you're defying those thoughts.
I love Kelly's idea about the library or coffee shop. I personally hate being alone, but at the same time I hate having to talk to people when I'm really not in the mood. Being somewhere where there's people but you don't have to talk or do anything is incredibly soothing, and I love it. It's worth a shot, Hollie bean
Again, yeah, I didn't have much to say, but I wanted to say something to you because I admire and respect you and I think you're amazing. Obligatory #justsaying. Keep your chin up, brave strong girl. You're a fighter, so go get 'em <3
Take as long as you need.