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Name: Ryan (Alfred)
Age: 33
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Re: steps to getting a girlfriend? - July 21st 2012, 07:03 AM

Everyone seems to have already told you to find someone, talk to her, blah blah, so I'm just gonna let you know that nothing in the world makes a girl like you more than having confidence in yourself. Really though, CONFIDENCE is like a super power at parties or at the lunch table.

Being confident means you are sure about yourself, and you know this girl wants to talk to you because you are awesome. Being confident is basically being cocky but without all the asshole BS. That's why partying and beer go well together, because being drunk makes you forget about how bad you are with girls and instills within you this feeling of luck and confidence that can only be described as a real life Felix Felicis.

"My heart is warm with friends I make,
And better friends I'll not be knowing;
Yet there isn't a train I wouldn't take,
No matter where it's going."

- Edna St. Vincent Millay