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MadPoet Offline
You're the Original <3
Outside, huh?
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Name: Amanda.
Age: 29
Gender: Female.
Location: Michigan.

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Join Date: January 8th 2009

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - March 24th 2009, 03:38 AM

I'm not listening to you anymore. Never again. I won't go to school. I won't.
Because I can't. Because I DON'T WANT TO.
Don't fucking lecture me, either. I know that I have to go to school. I know I'm going to 'ruin my future.' Is it your future, though? No. It's mine. It's mine to ruin, not yours. Sure, you're my mom, and sure, it's your job, but please. Let me have my life. I don't care that I'm not old enough to be completely on my own. So? I can make my own choices in life, sometimes. I know I'm being a bitch. But I can't. And I won't. So, you can just deal with it.

*Que typical annoying teenage attitude*
It's my life.
NOT yours.
So let ME fuck it up.
Or let ME do something worthy enough with it.
Let ME be in control of MY life. Fair enough, right?

I do have a say in what I do with my life.
And I know I'm not being 'a good person.'
But guess what? I don't care.

A lonely soul in a land of broken hearts

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