well... I'm a big fan of TWLOHA... and I really liked the word "rescue" in "rescue is possible"... but I wanted something longer, I guess. So when I was making a blog this summer... I just came up with "rescue is not a myth" (typically, I'm very good at things like that). And at the time I was trying really hard to believe that I could over come self-injury. So... there you go... rescueisnotamyth (and it's kind of inspirational sometimes.

another username I use is ecabuzzgirl. this came from sixth grade when my dad finally let me have IM. For the life of me I could not come up with a username that he would allow me to have... so.... ECA is the initials for my school. buzz is my dad's high school nickname (it comes from our last name) and... (shocker) I'm a girl. (x])