Convincing Evidence (poem) -
July 10th 2012, 07:17 PM
My life used to be full of inspiration
but now it's so unclear.
My life was full of that love and joy
but I feel like this hate inches near.
My life was full of happiness
but it seems to have blown away.
I wish that I could be convinced
but I'm not sure if you're here to stay.
The past is what haunts me
in the night and in the day.
I try so hard to keep you around
but somehow you always run away.
I always thought it was something that I'd done wrong
but for once I'm not sure who is at fault.
Once I held up my head up so high
and lived each day like it was the last.
I try to keep these feelings out
but my happiness is in the past.
I long to believe each word you say
but the lies you've told have me worn out day after day.
I always seem so drawn to your words
like they are pure perfection in my eyes.
I'm afraid I'll offer your endless chances
even though which each one there are lies.
I'm a fool but I'm in love
hoping someone like you is the one.
Your flaws are perfection in my eyes.
I wish I could explain,
but not even I know why.
Nothing we do ever makes much sense.
Day after day I'm waiting for your convincing evidence.
Just a girl with an angel above, just a girl with an angel to love. My angel grew wings and she did dare to fly. But I promise my angel, it's only good night but never good-bye. My angel, my angel in heaven above. My angel, my darling, you'll always have my love. Rest in peace, my sweet darling, it's only temporary that we part. My angel, my angel, how you still do steal my heart </3
