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Re: I cheated on my girlfriend with my bestfriends girlfriend - July 4th 2012, 08:25 AM

Hey, welcome to TeenHelp!

I can definitely understand where you're coming from... I cheated on my boyfriend, and we've been recovering from it, so I understand how shitty it is to be in that position. As far as regaining your girlfriend's trust and your best friend's friendship... it's going to be hard to earn it back, I won't lie. It's definitely possible. I read a lot of articles online to see what I could do, and I dealt with all the consequences of that lack of trust: my boyfriend checking in on me more often, not letting me hang out with guys alone, and even some of his emotional breakdowns. We also went to couples' counseling together which helped a lot. It's possible to heal. I do think you need to apologize to both of them, if you really want to keep them in your life.

As far as your friends go, well, your drama isn't their business. I'll be honest about that. But I think they might be skeptical. This guy was your best friend and you -- in their eyes -- really screwed him over. How can they trust you won't do that to them? I'm not saying it's true at all, but I guess I'm trying to portray their general mindset.

I really hope this helps and good luck in dealing with everything.