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Re: How to Begin Dating - June 30th 2012, 11:51 AM

This seems to be the final edit then. It seems to be a pretty short article, but in this case I think it works since it's direct and to the point.

How to begin dating
By Barbara (Unbreakable♥)

When you’re looking to date someone there are tons of articles and stories about how to talk to your crush or how to ask someone out. What you don’t see very often is what to do before all of that.

Meeting other people
When you’re first looking to date you have to meet people in order to see what type of person you’re attracted to or not attracted to. You might care about looks, personality, beliefs, or basically anything that makes a person different from others. The thing a lot of people don’t realize is that you can meet new people anywhere. This includes school, stores, church, movies, social groups, and so on. Another great way to meet people is through mutual friends. You could have some of your friends pull you out of your comfort zone and make you hang out with people you typically wouldn’t hang out with.

Not looking for dates right away, but friends
Most times, it’s best to be friends with the people you’re possibly interested in to begin with. This way you get to know them well enough to realize whether or not they’re someone you want to try dating. A lot of the time people get into a relationship with someone they’re physically attracted to, but don’t know their partner’s personality well when they start dating. When they finally get to know the person better they might realize they don’t like the person as much as they originally thought. It’s best not to think of every person as a possible date, but rather as a possible friend. Besides getting to know them, they have a chance to know you as well. Even if you don’t end up dating them, you will meet some awesome friends in the process.

If there happens to be that one person you already like, but you don’t want to be friend-zoned, be clear that you’re interested in more. Maybe flirt more than if it was just a friend, ask them out, and so on. This can apply to someone you’ve known for a while and you’re just now interested in as well. It’s possible to get out of the friend-zone if you think that’s where you are already. As stated above, it’s usually best to be friends with the person first, so this is how you can take it to the next level.

Don’t become someone you’re not
The title says it all: don’t become someone you’re not. Don't go trying to change yourself such as wearing different clothes, or lying about what your interests are. Have them get to know the real you and have them like you for you, not someone you're pretending to be. It may sound a bit cliché, but be yourself. If they’re not interested, it’s not because there’s something wrong with you, it just means they’re not the person for you.

Basically, just be yourself, have fun, and don’t think too much about it. If it’s meant to be, it will eventually be. It doesn’t take as much thinking or planning as some people make it out to be. Sure, you can ask for advice or read articles such as this one on how to start dating, but there’s only so much you can learn secondhand. Most of it will just play out.

"Love means never having to say
you're a werewolf."

Last edited by Rob; July 8th 2012 at 09:34 PM. Reason: Editing.