I grew up as their little girl, when it was possible to be a ballerina, I was a ballerina (despite loving the role of being an alien better…) and I didn't mind it, if it was hands on playing, in any way, I was all for it. I remember a lot of times in my childhood, from being really young, kindergarden up to now, never feeling exactly right, never feeling like I fit in with the other girl (nor boys, but I'll get to that later)- I blamed it on my size and other things, since I knew about being diverse in sexuality but not in gender identity.
Finding about how there was more to gender than sex, started at the beginning of this year, with the realization of a crush on a friend (dodged a bullet on that one…), I joined a website, not
TH but a different one, looking for help with that, since the town I live in isn't big on
LGBT issues at all. I met a bunch of people, and saw a bunch of posts, each making me know that I identified with them more than the last. Shortly after that I found
TH, and started exploring myself, finding that I was more comfortable with using male pronouns, I am in no way 100% sure of myself, but I'm close.
With the fact that
LGBT issues aren't big in my town (territory…) I started really trying on
TH, and did it with Danielle, and this all started, and I'm lucky and I really suck at writing about myself, so I'm sorry about the quick ending and all...