Thread: religion
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Name: Jordan Lorraine
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Re: religion - June 28th 2012, 12:17 AM

I could write a novel in response to this question, but I think for the sake of keeping it respectful, I will make this (kind of) short and sweet.

As time has gone on, more and more has been discovered in regards to disproving the church and it's teachings, as well as the general concept of religion. The more technologically and scientifically advanced our world becomes, the less people are going to continue following and believing in a "god's" existence.
The fact of the matter is, each and every day, people are becoming more educated on topics such as evolution. We are also becoming significantly more open minded, as a race. We also now live in a world where, (for the most part), people are allowed to speak their minds and voice their opinions. Opposed to, say, 500 years ago where people were literally put to death for denying the existence of a higher power.

The point I'm making is simple. There has been absolutely zero scientific evidence, (in the history of ever), pointing towards the existence of god. Considering people are not only allowed to have their own opinions in regards to religion, but also, have justifiable reasoning BEHIND doubting the idea of possessing a faith, naturally, less and less people are going to follow a religion.

I personally think it is completely ridiculous to believe in anything that hasn't been proven. I think people of religion use their faith as a crutch; something to make them feel better about this disgustingly cruel, unjust world we live in.
Which, to an extent, I do understand. But all I'm trying to say here, is it is a lot easier to forget about faith, and think solely for yourself, in this day and age than it was years ago.

And, statistically and factually, religion is a slowly-but-surely diminishing concept.

"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours" - Stephen Roberts