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TigerTank77 Offline
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Re: Men Outnumber Women Among American Rape Victims - June 26th 2012, 11:57 PM

Originally Posted by girlfromsocal View Post
rape is not about sex it's about control... Rape is a form of violence and not sex. It has nothing to do with horniness.
That's not actually how it works.

There are four kinds of rapists, according to FBI typographies.

The power-assertive rapist, the power-reassurance rapist, the anger-retaliation rapist, and the anger-excitation rapist.

Each has different methods of approach, and different styles of what they do. The only one who's really out for power and to hurt women, is the Anger-Retaliation. The other types all get their sexual kicks out of control and abuse.

Rape is about control and sex. Sexual gratification through control, and in some cases, abuse and violence. To the rapists, it is a form of sex.

I would encourage everyone to take a class on sexual offenses and offenders, it's really good knowledge to have.

Originally Posted by Snufkin View Post
[font="Palatino Linotype"][color="DarkSlateGray"][size="2"]

What causes rape in prison between males? Are guys dressing a certain way and "asking for it"?
There are no women in male prisons. So the weaker men are made into "women" and are often pimped out. Yes, it is as bad as it sounds.

And usually, the ones being abused are the ones in there for non-violent offenses, because they're seen as weaker.

Originally Posted by Snufkin View Post

I just get the impression this thread is in response to all the feminism threads around here lately and it's trying to take away from the fact that, in everyday life, a woman is more likely to get raped than a man. When you remove females from the equation altgoether and throw in a bunch of criminals, the numbers start changing, and you're no longer dealing with everyday situations. There is a massive problem in prisons, but I would never assume that walking around the USA I would be more likely to get raped than a woman.
I'm aware, but it exposes a huge double standard. Women march in the streets because they want to wear something that makes them look like something, and are mad because people think that they look like said something. All it takes to completely uproot and pretty much destroy a man's life is a simple accusation, true or not. And in the cases of false accusations, women are almost never punished.

Meanwhile, there's an even larger issue no one cares about because society has an incredibly retarded view about the prison system. The quickest way to take away someone's humanity is to put them behind bars, and society is all too happy to turn a blind eye. 216,000 people, all abused multiple times, and no one cares.

Often I lie wide awake, thinking of things I could make.
But I don’t seem to have the parts to build them.
I am so scared of what will kill me in the end, for I am not prepared.
I hope I will get the chance to be someone, to be human.

Last edited by TigerTank77; June 27th 2012 at 12:03 AM.
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