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  (#5769 (permalink)) Old
marshpit Offline
The Unfriendly Ghost
Not a n00b
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Name: Colin
Age: 27
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Location: Winterfell

Posts: 54
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Join Date: June 24th 2012

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 26th 2012, 01:18 AM

Remember when you told me to kill myself? Called me a faggot? Told me you would laugh if I died? I do. And I took it seriously. You made me feel like complete shit about myself everyday. I was already not doing well, and you just had to make everything worse. Everyday this year you would say one of these things to me. You never got in trouble. Not once..Remember when I got in trouble when I asked you to stop? "I was making it worse" That happened countless times..You used to joke about self harm, tell me I should cut myself, you didn't know that I actually did.
I hope you realize the effect your words can have on people before you push someone over the edge.

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's meant to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
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