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Re: religion - June 19th 2012, 10:06 PM

Originally Posted by Dervisher View Post
Religion is basically a parasite of the mind. I think it'll exist for a very long time until we all become one with a proven method, like science. The problem is science doesn't answer EVERYTHING, so people still have this window of uncertainty, thus religion is still fairly strong.

I doubt religion will cease to exist even when(or if) everything is completely proven, because some people just deny facts and make up their own story.
Their is more to religion than just belief in something that is uncertain. Religion keeps people grounded. In my religion, we have to kneel down in the Gurudwara and when we ask for forgiveness, we rub our nose on the ground. And we touch the floor and then our foreheads, basically trying to get the dust on the floor on our hands. The best thing that I've heard about this till now is that doing this, kneeling down in front of someone with our head bowed down makes us realize that we our not the ultimate the most powerful. It makes us humble and modest at times when we are flying high in the sky and feel like we are the King of the world and can do anything to anyone.
I am totally up for hearing a better argument to this one and I am hoping that you will be able to come up with one.

I love going to the Church. I love the atmosphere there and the way the Priest interacts with the people. He is super friendly! At first I was scared of him but after the Church session he comes out and talks to people and hangs out with them like everyone else. I've never seen something like this in my religion. The set up is very different. I love how everyone sings together. And the stories that I've heard while in there were super awesome! I always go to the Church on Christmas
I hope that this helps you figure out what young people might like in Church especially because Christianity is not my religion

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