Thread: rape
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Re: rape - June 19th 2012, 03:42 PM


There are numerous actions you can take the most important thing is to take the course of action that will be the most comfortable for you. Will you feel more comfortable telling a friend at first? Do you think your parents will be supportive? What I can tell you is being quiet will not help you resolve this. The most important thing is getting/finding a good support network for this.

I too had a similar situation happen to me and I didn't know what to do. I had 'repressed' the memories so at the time that I 'remembered' I was in a clinic getting therapy and group therapy. Anyway, I told my group and they were very supportive and from there I was able to tell my parents, then my brothers and some friends. After that I slowly started dealing with it in therapy and have been ever since.

So, what I am getting at is, you need a support network but you also need to go at your pace. Not everyone has supportive parents but they have supportive friends etc. So evaluate your situation and go from there. You don't have to rush into making a decision but just know that keeping quiet won't help you heal and you DESERVE to heal.

If you need ANYTHING please feel free to pm me.
