Re: I don't want to be the girlfriend that's hung up on her ex. -
June 17th 2012, 09:45 PM
This is really the best advice I've gotten so far, thank you so much! I've been having thoughts about just being single even before this. I don't know, I made a mistake and got in contact with my ex, just telling him I was sorry for toying with his emotions; I would always tell him I wanted to be friends and hang out but I would flake out. We had a nice conversation about how he's over me and indifferent to my presence before he asked me if I was still interested in getting back together, suggested we talk it over in a couple months. Lmfao. Anyways, I've realized that I'm best off staying with my current but not making it too serious of a relationship. It's not even that I don't love my current, because I do, it's just a different feeling and I think I got overly-reminiscient because I've spent the past two summers with my ex. On top of all that, my interest severely waned as soon as my ex said he was interested in getting me back. I think what I was really missing was his friendship, and I've managed to put the whole thing into perspective. Thank you so much for the advice, no need to respond to this, I was just articulating things for myself xD