Re: Song/Quote of the day! -
June 15th 2012, 12:42 AM
tHe LoNgEr I sTaNd HeRe,
ThE lOuDeR tHe SiLeNcE,
i KnOw ThAt YoU'Re GoNe,
BuT sOmEtImEs I sWeAr ThAt I hEaR,
yOuR vOiCe WhEn ThE wInD bLoWs,
So I tAlK tO tHe ShAdOwS,
hOpInG yOu MiGhT bE lIsTenInG,
'cAuSe I wAnT yOu To KnOw....
its so loud inside my head,
with words that I should've said,
and as I drown in my regrets,
I can't take back the words I never said