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notwhoithinkiam Offline
In a world full of bloo ponies
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Name: Kylee
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? - June 14th 2012, 01:01 AM

Aspergers Syndrome, Cyclothmia (environmental cause) and Dysgraphia

I have been given crap for it almost daily

I have learned why i feel so different from others, and that these mental disablitlies/illnesses are not anything that I can really change, just more so work with, given me more of a work with what i have mentality

[Rob] The best Mac app is iTax
[Mr.Cat] iFail is the best
[~Emily~] I like iMoneyless, myself.
[Steph] iHoes
now thoses apps we could all live with
[Jessie] I'm a pro at ass kicking. At just 5' tall.
that is ass-kicking tall

12:50 AM [Jack] Well being a guy I'll just go quit my law degree and go back to scratching my ball sack with a twig as I'm supposed to be doing apparently.
Jack's "angry" and sarcastic response to ppl thinking men are intelectually insufficient