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Re: How to Stay Christian in College -
June 12th 2012, 08:39 PM
I'm a Christian, but I definitely don't buy into this list.
First, That means that [love's] adult expression is not sex but the binding promises of marriage
I think both can be seen as expressions of love. Sure, sex is just sex to some people. But, for others, it's a way of showing how deeply they love one another. I guess this one is really just a matter of perspective for the individual.
Second, sex outside of marriage doesn't help you understand sex... it makes your understanding of sex worse.
Er. How can doing something make your understanding of it worse? This argument just makes no sense to me.
Third, having sex with another person tells you nothing about whether the two are compatible, and living together tells you nothing about whether a marriage between you would work.
Actually, neither does this one. I mean, sex doesn't necessarily tell you that you're compatible, but living together?! For me, that's the quickest way to tell if you and the other person should be married. You might love each other, but if you can't stand living with them, marriage might not be in your future.
Fourth, sex outside of marriage isn't romantic... it's the opposite.
Sex outside marriage can be romantic if the people involved make it so. That's all there is to it.
Fifth, sex outside of marriage doesn't hold relationship together; it contributes to their decay.
Nope. The only thing that leads to the decay of a relationship is the people in the relationship. Besides, I've heard more about not having sex ruining a relationship than I have about having sex ruining it.
Sixth, sex outside of marriage isn't a sign of commitment.
Sex inside marriage isn't a sign of commitment either. Sex just doesn't mean you're committed, especially in this day and age. This actually makes me wonder when the book was written. This one might actually make sense if it was written before sex outside marriage was a hugely common thing.
Seventh, the desire of sex is not a need but a want.
Wrong again. Sex is a basic human need. It's how we reproduce, which is something that we're biologically programmed to look for.
Eighth, ... sex outside of marriage doesn't bring lasting pleasure-- rather it murders pleasure.
Seriously? Sex murders pleasure? Again, that has everything to do with the individual, not the action.
Ninth, it isn't marriage that's boring-- it's promiscuity[that is boring].
Uhm. I'm not even sure what to say to this one.
wanderlust consumed her;
foreign hearts & exotic minds compelled her.
she had a gypsy soul
and a vibrant heart for the unknown.
-d. marie
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