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Name: Kyle
Age: 29
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - June 11th 2012, 05:47 PM

Originally Posted by Intoxication View Post
hahaha, I'm not, Im rather skinny, but think about it like this... I'm sure you want to look pretty right? do you want to be skiny and envy others. Girls think they need to be skinny and a little slutty looking to get guys, guys think they need to be big and strong in order to get girls... because in the end, isnt that what they look at? I see my friends all looking at shirtless guys wtih big museles... but me, i know anyone worth dating is gonna love me for me. My friends would never dat a guy for just looks, and looks wouldn't matter if I they have a great personality, so I am not worried. My friends call me skinny (female friends) and it makes me feel bad, cuz i dont have big arms or stomach, but I pride myself in the musceles i do have, and remember it really doesn't matter.

Why are girls so confusing, why don't they say what they want and just play games with the guys they crush on or court? Why are they so shy about expressing themselves, it'd make things os much easier. I admit that I wont often confess my feelings, but thats becuase they are so scared to also, and it makes me think that they dont have feelings for me... what a paradox. at least the one girl I'm dancing the sweetest dance with started showing it. And yes, I'm very recieving...

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