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Re: How to Stay Christian in College - June 11th 2012, 07:59 AM

I don't agree with most of what he says. Yeah, I've been brought up a Baptist Christian, and had an adult Baptism, but am questioning my faith at the moment. But I don't think that makes my opinions less valid so I'll say them anyway.

I'm not sure whether or not I agree with sex outside marriage or not, in a religious context. I take part in it, but then I'm not sure of a lot of things that I do in a religious context, like being bisexual, ect. ect.

First, That means that [love's] adult expression is not sex but the binding promises of marriage
Disagree. Both can be expressions of love.

Second, sex outside of marriage doesn't help you understand sex... it makes your understanding of sex worse.
I don't understand where he's coming from on this one. I understand sex more now than I did during sex ed, and I'm not married yet...

Third, having sex with another person tells you nothing about whether the two are compatible, and living together tells you nothing about whether a marriage between you would work.
I completely disagree. I don't even understand how this can even be contemplated. If you can't live together unmarried, then how on earth could you live together married? You don't need a legal document to promise to stay with the person, either, so to a lot of people cohabitation means as much as marriage. It just doesn't have the legal benefits.

Fourth, sex outside of marriage isn't romantic... it's the opposite.
I know this is false, at least in my case. Sex is very romantic. Just like a candlelit dinner is romantic. It's just part of bonding.

Fifth, sex outside of marriage doesn't hold relationship together; it contributes to their decay.
Agree and disagree. It can lead to decay and it can make things much more complicated. But, not always, and marriages fail all the time anyway, leaving behind much worse repercussions.

Sixth, sex outside of marriage isn't a sign of commitment.
I don't see why sex would ever be a sign of commitment. It's an act of passion and love. Even in marriage, the actual sex isn't the commitment.

Seventh, the desire of sex is not a need but a want.
And? Marriage is a want, not a need. Lots of things are wants not needs and the Bible isn't against all of them.

Eighth, ... sex outside of marriage doesn't bring lasting pleasure-- rather it murders pleasure.
I don't even understand this. Does he mean the length of the relationship? Lots of relationships last despite having sex outside of marriage. Murder is rather a strong word.

Ninth, it isn't marriage that's boring-- it's promiscuity[that is boring].
Regardless if this is true or not, not everyone who has sex outside marriage is promiscuous, so it's a moot point.

Well, that was fun. I think he was just trying to make reasons for the Bible to be right. I think, and people may disagree with me, but I think that it's a faith, therefore you're faithful. You don't need a load of bogus reasons, you don't need to be scared into it with threats, if you believe it, that's what you do. Because you already believe in the God, why would you need extra reasons to do what he says?

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